Sales Tip of the Week from Mike Leeds – Pro Sales Coaching
What Salespeople can learn from Dogs
As a dog lover, I can tell you that dogs have two qualities that can be translated into the sales world:
- Understanding how they can benefit (what’s in it for them.)
- An incredible sense of loyalty.
First, dogs seem to always want to know, "what's in it for me?" The opening of a cellophane or plastic bag may signify something different to a dog than to its owner (i.e. potato chips versus doggie treats). They recognize the sound of the crumpling even before they smell the contents. If it's meant for them (or if it's dropped on the floor one too many times, and they think it's theirs) they'll come running. If it's something not intended for them (or they don’t like it) they'll continue with their current activity and not pay attention.
Second, the simple fact is that dogs are loyal to the ones who feed them, play with them, and care for them. They'll protect their owners, unconditionally love their owners, and always stand by (or lay down by) their owners.
These qualities can be translated to how sales people should work with the customers:
- Understand what's important to your customers - and satisfy their needs through benefit-rich applications.
- Create trust and rapport with your customers - which will translate into long-term loyal relationships.
Have a great sales week!