Sales Tip of the Week from Mike Leeds – Pro Sales Coaching
It’s Nearing Halftime of 2024! How are you doing?
It's time to reflect on the 1st 6 months of 2024, celebrate your success and make any course corrections for the 2nd half.
Evaluate what opportunities did not materialize in the 1st half, and why?
- If you have a quota shortfall, add the number to the last 6 months.
- If you don’t have a quota shortfall, act like you do for the 2nd half and keep your foot on the accelerator.
- Revisit your sales activities – are you making your day/weekly activity goals?
- Identify and pursue an account that you’ve avoided or experienced reluctance in contacting.
- Visualize what you'll do if you finish the year strong and post pictures of if (vacation destination or special purchase).
- Look at your work schedule, how a would 5-10% increase in hours help your results?
- Explore sales coaching to assist with your sales results 😊
Have a Great Summer and Second Half!