Sales Tip of the Week from Mike Leeds – Pro Sales Coaching
What Salespeople can learn from Surfers
Watching waves in the ocean can be mesmerizing. After each wave hits the beach, another one shortly follows. Then you watch the surfers sitting on their boards out beyond where the waves break. They patiently wait for that perfect wave for a great ride to the beach. These waves are few and far between but when the right one comes, the surfers paddle to be in the right position to catch it. Ten, twenty, or even more waves may come and go, before the surfer feels it is the right one.
When there is not a lot of activity in the ocean, surfers need to consider the options below to maximize their surfing efforts:
- Consider getting out into the water earlier, and possibly spending more time out there.
- Consider riding waves that are a notch below the perfect one, just to keep it going.
- Consider the surfing options at other beaches, where the conditions may be better.
- Prepare their equipment to be more effective (like waxing their boards).
There are many similarities with this topic that salespeople can learn from to maximize their sales efforts:
- Make more sales calls (and utilize time blocking dedicated for prospecting on your schedule).
- Work on smaller projects, while keeping an eye out for the bigger ones.
- Consider prospecting in multiple market segments or new geographic areas.
- Stay prepared, and always keep your sales skills sharp.
Have a great sales week!