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Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Sales Tip of the Week from Mike Leeds – Pro Sales Coaching

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

This blog title may sound familiar – it’s a 70’s song title from the group Chicago…

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Daylight Savings Time started this past Sunday for most of the USA. I’ve assembled some helpful tips to keep in mind when dealing with customers or prospects across the country.

48 of the 50 states follow Daylight Savings Time (DST). The exceptions are Arizona and Hawaii, along some of the Native American Reservations, and the U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 

  1. When making phone calls across the country, maximize your results by considering the time zone you’re calling. For example, west coast salespeople may want to start their day by calling the east coast. Since it’s coming up on lunch time in the Eastern Time Zone and nearly half of their workday may be over. (If you specialize in calling back east, you may want to alter your workday and get an early start – vice versa if you’re calling from east to west.)
  2. Never assume that the number you are calling is physically located in that area code or time zone. With the portability and mobility of today’s wireless technology, many people keep their established cell phone numbers when they relocate (in addition to traveling). For example, one of my neighbors here in Scottsdale has a 310 area code (Los Angeles) for his work/cell number. He relocated here from L.A. a couple of years ago and his number is well circulated among his client base. If you’re not sure about someone’s location, ask what time zone they’re in. This is very common today, and soon area codes as whole may be totally blurred or irrelevant.
  3. When making a phone appointment, always use the customer’s time zone as a reference point. To reduce confusion (especially if you’re in AZ or HI), you do the math. For instance, I look forward to speaking with you on Wednesday at 10:00am your time (or Central Time).
  4. If you’re in one of the areas that does not participate in Daylight Savings, using the name of your “standard” time zone can be very confusing and can create many issues. For example, if I schedule a conference call and state that it starts at 8:00am Mountain Standard Time (since AZ isn’t on DST), my call participants may think I really meant Mountain Daylight Time and I’ll be an hour late. If you’re located in AZ, I suggest that you eliminate the confusion by adopting Pacific Daylight Time as your time zone (as opposed to repeatedly explaining to people that we’re still on Mountain Standard Time).
  5. Take advantage of the additional hour when calling your customers in the European Economic Community during this period of DST.
  6. In the last few years, DST has been extended by a few weeks. The time will change back to Standard Time on November 5, 2023. (Unless changed by Congress.)

Have a great sales day!

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